Next, go to the root of this USB drive and create a folder called. Otherwise, right click the partition on the USB and click Format and set it to FAT32.Make sure it is FAT32 and at least a gigabyte or two big. Right click the unallocated space and create a new simple volume.If you have multiple partitions on the USB, right click each partition and click Delete Volume for your USB (This will remove data, make sure you have backups and only remove partitions from your USB).

You'll want to format the USB to have a FAT32 partition.On the bottom half, you'll see your devices. You should see all of your partitions and disks.Right click the Start Button on your task bar and select Disk Management.Simply open up Disk Management, and format your USB as FAT32: Here we'll be formatting our USB and adding macOS onto it, we have 2 options: Now with our installer downloaded, we'll next want to format out USB. This will take some time, however once you're finished you should get either BaseSystem or RecoveryImage files:

If you've already mapped your USB ports (opens new window) and disabled XhciPortLimit, you can boot macOS 11.3+ without issue.